Friday, April 28, 2006

Stefan Sagmeister

There is one piece in particular that has drawn me to liking Sagmeisters work and that piece is this: Poster for AIGA lecture in Cranbrook, Michigan, 1999

He was asked to create a poster for a lecture he was to give and so asked his assitant to carve the details onto his torso with an X-acto knife and photographed the result. The scars from which still mark his skin to this day. One thing I like about this piece is the fact that it is so shocking to begin with, it leaves the viewer thinking what else would he do in the name of art? I also like the fact that he holds a box of plasters in his hand almost just out of shot but helps to show this isn't just a cleverly concieved photoshoped image. He has actually suffered for his art... also the fact that it is possible to see places where the assistant has gone wrong and actually had to cross out some of the words!

Sagmeister has done many other pieces, the majority of which are in a similar style, not sticking to the clean tidy lines we so often see in graphic work but crossing the lines and confusing the eye to create unusual and imaginative pieces.

Read about him


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