Friday, April 28, 2006

Creative Review

I started reading Creative Review when I was in my first year at college, there were always back issues lying around the studio and usually helped to fill up the time when we just couldn't be bothered to do the piles of work we had scattered around us. I was soon able to pursuade my parents that a subscription through the local newspaper shop was a good idea, after all it's considered one of the leading monthly magazines for Visual Communication. Focusing its pages on graphic design, advertising, new media, photography, illustration, typography and more.

One thing that I love about CR is the way in which you may see unusual adverts on TV and wonder who or what made and created them only to find in the next issue of CR there is a full explaination of how, who, why and when these modern day master pieces were created.

Along with the monthly magazine, people who subscribe through CR themselves receive a free bi-annual DVD with over three hours of music videos, short films commercials and more from the years creative geniuses and up and coming Vis Comm stars.

In addition to the magazines and DVD, CR offers the usual advertising space which, once we've finished our degree will probably come in very handy wheather we choose to go into a job already in the industry or we want to create our own companies.

CR also offers a range of competitions and opportunites for up and coming designers such as the Annual - a yearly competition which brings together over 100 of the top visual communication work from around the world.

Creative Review has under gone a large change in layout and is considered to be the "new and improved" version but I personally liked the old layout more... but nevermind we all get used to change in the end.

Check it out


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