Thursday, April 27, 2006

"The Best Page in the Universe"


This link was forced on me some months ago when I was meant to be attempting work but instead got distracted by this...


It is the stupidest, most offensive, hilarious, most obtuse stuff I have ever seen... and it's proud!

and the best you wish to know?... has to be this image...

The creator is some random fella who started all this as a list of things that "pissed him off"... read this FAQ entry:

"How did this site start? How do you promote your site?

This site started out as a text document containing a list of 50 things that "pissed me off." I circulated it to people on efnet #coders a long time ago, they liked it, so I posted my first page back in '97. I don't promote this site, all traffic has been generated by word-of-mouth alone.

How many people write for your site?

Just me. I do all the articles, graphics, programming, layout, email responses, etc."

ok so the content is on the whole completely offensive to anyone and everyone but sometimes he comes up with little gems that make you laugh so hard it hurts. and at the end of the day there are some people out there whose sole purpose is to say some of the things we're thinking along the years... The site consists of images crappily created on paintshop, or at a push possibly photoshop... and along with the images the creator usually has typed a large, rambling rant about the subject in hand, check out this for instance...

and the rant... "So I was sitting there the other day enjoying a delicious spotted owl taco when along comes this walrus of a woman wearing a midriff t-shirt, exposing her flabby disgusting lard-filled gut as she lumbered along. I stood up so I could get a clear shot of her because I was about to barf up my lunch, when I suddenly realized that I was surrounded by nasty fat chicks with giant saggy guts. GROSS.

Every time I see another one of these lardass women parading around in some skimpy outfit, it makes me impotent for weeks. I don't get it. Is it part of that whole "acceptance" thing? That stupid mentality that we're all beautiful and that having a gut is cute? Trust me, your gut (and it is a gut, not a "tummy") is not as sexy as you think. It's nauseating. If you don't have the body for it, then why wear a tiny midriff t-shirt that accentuates your bulbous lard sack?

I know it's the trendy thing to go around dressed like Britney Spears because you're all mindless media drones with no opinions or personalities. I know that you all watch Jenny Jones and you have "if you've got it, flaunt it" chiseled into your minds (and I use the word "minds" loosely here because using this word implies that you have some mental capacity). Quit buying this shit. You're not Britney Spears. You're not hot. You're not popular. Nobody cares about your stupid new shirt and it doesn't matter how much you spend on your clothes because you're always going to be the same old boring you, who listens to the same music everyone else listens to because you're insecure and don't have opinions.

Just because looking like trash will help you get laid doesn't mean that you're any less of a vile pig. Cover up. Get some decency. Being able to get laid doesn't mean that you're attractive, and it doesn't mean you should go around showcasing your fatass to people either. There's always someone as horny as you are ugly. Take the hint: they don't make tube tops in extra-large because fat people shouldn't wear them."

generally random offensive stuff that people tend to think not say, let alone publish...

but I have to admit this is a good idea...


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