Friday, May 12, 2006

Piece of Final Major Project work

This is one of the pieces I created for my Final Major Project at the Isle of Man College for my National Diploma in Design.

I was working on a self set projects that was called "What do you know?" I was inspired by the Join Me project to ask as many people as I could to e-mail me, fill in forms and questionnaires to find out what people know... while on this project I got stuck along the way and wrote the quote you can see in the above painting - "I don't know where I'm going and I'm not sure where I began all I know is that I'm stuck somewhere in the MIDDLE" I was playing around with the text (as it was a text based project) and made this simple design. I love working large scale and so being given the prospect to be able to have my design painted large scale on the floor outside the window which I had been - at times - idly gazing out of for the past year seemed perfect. The project took a great deal of organising and planning in which I had to compose formal letters to the principal ask for permission to do the painting as it was to be a permanent feature using road marking paint. Once I had permission I had to get funding from the College to buy the paint and had to worked with the Painting and Decorating department who helped me create the stencils for the text and gave me tips and techniques on how to do the painting. The it was down to me and four days of crawling round on the floor painting away in the sunshine with music blarring... it was good fun and the results were pleasing and certainly unusual to see in the End of Year Exhibition.


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